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Annual Meeting scholarships offered by APHA member groups

APHA member groups have a limited number of scholarships available. Applicants must be a member of the Section to which they are applying. If you would like to learn more about a particular scholarship, contact the Section leader listed in the right-hand column.

Member Group Number/Type   Contact Deadline 
CHW  Cash award for four Community Health Workers. Apply Now.   Denise Vasquez  7/1/24
DIS  Registration fees for two Student Members.   Casey Herman  8/5/24
ENV  Registration fees for at least ten Student Members.    Natalie Sampson   Closed
HA Registration fees for five Student and two Early-Career Professional Members.   Kate Cartwright  6/28/24
ICEHS Presidents' Road Safety Scholarship. Apply Now.   Natalie Draisin  7/1/24
IH  Travel for three Student IH members, based on applications.   Sabrina Richards  6/10/24
IH Travel for the four Student or ECP IH members presenting the highest scoring abstracts at the Annual Meeting.
  Carol Dabbs  N/A
MCH Stipend toward Annual Meeting expenses for students accepted into the MCH Student Fellows Program. Apply Now.   Emma Brofsky   7/26/24
OH  Cash award for four Students or Early-Career Professional Members.   Kevin Rodriguez Lichtenberg  6/30/24
OHS Membership, registration fees and travel for four Students and one union represented worker.   Katherine Kirkland  7/14/24
PA  Cash award for two Student or ECP Members with an accepted abstract.   Liz Budd  7/10/24
PHN  Registration fees for five Students.   Gloria Barrera  8/25/24
SHW Registration fees for three Student Members.   Jessica Liu  7/1/24
VC Minority Student Scholarship including membership, registration fees, and travel for one student.   Loretta Ng  8/5/24
VC Award including registration to annual meeting and a student membership for one year for two students.    Loretta Ng  8/5/24

Other APHA Annual Meeting scholarships 

Annual Meeting Student Scholarship Fund