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Women. Alcohol. Health. From Blackouts to Breast Cancer

Webinar //


Jan 22 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST


Alcohol is a growing women's health issue, with recent research shedding light on the different, heightened risks women face by drinking.

For example:

  • One serving of alcohol per day raises the risk of breast cancer for women by roughly 10%.
  • Young females are now more likely to drink and to report getting drunk than young males.
  • Among adults, alcohol-related emergency department visits and deaths have increased more for women than for men.

Join the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association for an exclusive presentation by Aaron White, PhD, senior scientific advisor to the director at NIAAA, on the significance of recent trends in alcohol consumption and the impact of alcohol on women.

Questions? Contact Margaret “Maggie” Barchine, 703-578-4200 ext. 515.

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