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Key ACA Resources

APHA fact sheet:Why Do We Need the Affordable Care Act? (PDF)

APHA fact sheet: The Prevention and Public Health Fund (PDF) 

APHA fact sheet: Affordable Care Act Overview: Selected Provisions (PDF): a clear, concise chart summarizing and explaining the structure and major provisions of the health reform law

APHA Issue Brief: The Prevention and Public Health Fund (PDF): describes the need for dedicated public health funding and the Prevention and Public Health Fund's goals 

APHA Issue Brief: Prevention Provisions in the Affordable Care Act (PDF): provides details on the ACA's major prevention initiatives

APHA Issue Brief: The Affordable Care Act's Public Health Workforce Provisions (PDF): describes the current challenges facing the public health work force and how the ACA addresses them.

Kaiser Family Foundation: The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes (September 2012)

Families USA: Health Equity (quick facts, toolkit and more)

What happened in 2017

This Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act estimates 22 million would lose health insurance by 2026, $772 billion would be cut from Medicaid over a decade and millions of Americans would have higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs.  

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of the House ACA repeal bill

Kaiser Family Foundation report on how the AHCA could negatively impact individuals with pre-existing conditions

How the ACA repeal bill harms Medicaid 

Congressional Budget Office analysis of the American Health Care Act, legislation to repeal major portions of the Affordable Care Act and cause 23 million individuals to lose health insurance coverage

Fact sheet on why we still need the Affordable Care Act (PDF)

Prevention and Public Health Fund fact sheet (PDF)  

"The Economic and Employment Consequences of Repealing Health Reform: A 50 State Analysis"

Policies that can strengthen the ACA's insurance exchanges 

How the ACA's Prevention and Public Health Fund supports the CDC (PDF)

The U.S. health system with and without the ACA 

How potential replacement plans compare to the ACA

Useful links on Medicaid Expansion
Useful Links about the Minimum Coverage Provision