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Health Planning and Development

  • Date: Jan 01 1974
  • Policy Number: 7404

Key Words: Public Health Infrastructure

Whereas the Congress of the United States is considering several versions of the Health Policy and Health Resources Development Act;

Whereas these bills would remake the structure of healthy planning, development, and regulatory bodies, an important undertaking in consideration of national health insurance)

Whereas there has been lack of effective and consistent leadership in national health policy through successive administrations of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and other federal departments with involvement in health affairs, and a certain number of these bills omit a national policy-making apparatus; and,

Whereas a certain number of thise bills call for preserving the best elements of the Regional Medical Programs, Comprehensive Health Planning, and the "Hill-Burton" Program in the new agencies, some omit funding for the development of new and improved resources, and all omit grants for "Hill-Burton" purposes;

Therefore, be it resolved that APHA calls for inclusion in the currently proposed legislation of:

  1. An ongoing National Health Policy Council situated within the Executive Branch and charged with the responsibility for relating and advocating coordinated health policy in all federal departments. The Council should include nationally recognized leaders and be strongly staffed. It should be responsible for dealing with a broader range of health issues than is incorporated in the current proposed legislation. Additional issues should include national health insurance, health personnel supply, environmental health, and population policy.
  2. A body at the state level which should be a public or quasi-public agency designated by the governor which is broadly representative and publicly accountable with planning, development, and regulatory functions. It should review annually the activities and budgets of the areawide or regional planning and development bodies. It should advise the governor on, or establish, reimbursement rates and licensure policy for professional health personnel and health facilities.
  3. A body at the areawide or regional level for planning and development which should be a public or quasi-public agency which is broadly representative and publicly accountable. Such regions shall encompass a population of sufficient size to encourage efficient planning and development and should reflect other health functions such as Professional Standards Review Organization. It should have sufficient funds for planning and development of new and improved resources to impact upon the problems of distribution, quality, and cost of services. It should advise the state on certification and regular recertification of health facilities and programs on the basis of need. It should advise the state agency on reimbursement rates and licensure policy for professional health personnel and health facilities.
  4. Not only provision for loans, loan guarantees, and interest subsidies for facilities construction and renovation, but also grants available to applicants who do not qualify for funds from established lending institutions. These loans and grants should be used for purposes designated in areawide, state, and federal plans—such as the expansion of ambulatory care facilities in underserved areas and the renovation of inner city hospitals and chronic care facilities.
  5. Continued provision for both sufficient time and funds to facilitate the orderly transition from existing health planning and development programs.

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