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American Journal of Public Health Press Information

AJPH embargo policy

When a paper is accepted for publication in the American Journal of Public Health,  it is under embargo and not for public release until publication. Articles are typically embargoed until 4 p.m. Eastern time on the date of publication. Authors are permitted to talk with reporters about their work, but should coordinate this with APHA's Communications Department so that reporters are aware of AJPH  policy and understand that research is embargoed until publication. Authors are permitted to present their research before peers at scientific meetings, but should refrain from distributing copies of their paper, including data tables and figures. To inquire about embargo dates or if you have questions related to the AJPH  embargo policy, please contact Media Relations

First Look publication and embargo dates

All articles accepted for publication will first appear online in the American Journal of Public Health:  First Look before appearing in print. First Look articles are considered published, may be cited and may be reported on by the news media. The AJPH embargo date coincides with the date of online publication in First Look.

Exceptions may be made for certain articles or issues that will be released more formally to the news media during a pre-arranged news conference or other event. Please contact APHA's Strategic Communications Department to confirm the embargo date and time for your study.

First Look allows the editors to make AJPH  content available sooner after acceptance and four to six weeks in advance of print publication.

Purpose of embargo

APHA's Communications Department sends out a news release each month alerting reporters to upcoming AJPH  articles that may be of special interest. The full text of all articles are available to reporters upon request in advance of publication. Distribution and use of advance materials from AJPH  is guided by the embargo policy. The AJPH  embargo policy is designed to provide news reporters an opportunity to research the issue, conduct interviews and write accurate news stories in advance of publication. News stories may only be filed after the embargo date and time.


Staff journalists or freelancers writing for print or online news publications and services, reporters and producers working for broadcast outlets, and public information officers from research institutions are eligible to receive embargoed material in advance from AJPH.  Eligible persons must agree to abide by the conditions of the AJPH  embargo policy.


  • Embargo dates and times accompany all advanced materials (typically, 4 p.m. Eastern time on the date of publication). Embargoed information is not to be made public in any format before the embargo.
  • Advance material is for background research only. Journalists and PIOs may not redistribute the information within or outside their organization with the following exception. Journalists may share embargoed papers with experts in the field for the purpose of obtaining relevant commentary. Embargoed materials must be clearly labeled with the embargo date and time. Journalists and PIOs are responsible for ensuring that all third parties honor the embargo date.
  • PIOs may not post, release or distribute embargoed material in any publicly accessible manner before the embargo date.
  • Journalists and PIOs should credit the "American Journal of Public Health" as the source of the information. Articles published in AJPH reflect original, independent, peer-reviewed research. While the American Public Health Association is publisher of AJPH, articles appearing in AJPH do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the American Public Health Association.
  • Failure to adhere to this policy will result in revocation of access to embargoed material from AJPH  and the American Public Health Association.

Subscribe to the AJPH  press list

AJPH sends out a news release via email each month alerting reporters to upcoming articles that may be of interest. Full text of all articles are also available to credentialed reporters in advance of publication by contacting us.

Subscribe to our news releases if you'd like be added to the AJPH  press list.

Complimentary online access to AJPH  is available to qualified journalists. For more information, send us an email

Contact us

For more information, please contact us.


American Public Health Association 
800 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-3710 
Email: Media Relations