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Racial Healing for Ourselves, Our Communities and Our Future

Webinar //


Sep 29 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST

Webinar Recording:

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Read the webinar transcript (PDF).


Continuing Education:

You can watch the webinar and earn continuing education credit for CPH, CHES, CME, and CNE. Purchase the entire series or individual webinars and earn up to nine CE credits.

Webinar Description:

The fourth webinar in APHA's Advancing Racial Equity series covered racial healing as essential for dismantling racism and advancing racial equity. 


  • Explained a model for truth, racial healing and transformation, or TRHT.
  • Described efforts of the TRHT Campus Center at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
  • Explored how Indigenous values can guide racial healing within and across communities.

Paulina Sosa, Ernesto Quintero, Tia Taylor Williams, Gail Christopher, Punehei Lipe, Mapuana Antonio

Welcome and homage to National Hispanic Heritage Month

  • Paulina Sosa, MPH, DrPH (c), APHA Health Policy Coordinator, COVID-19; Assistant Editor, AJPH
  • Ernesto Quintero, Director and Producer


  • Tia Taylor Williams, MPH, CNS, Director, APHA Center for Public Health Policy, Center for School, Health and Education


  • Gail Christopher, DN, Executive Director, National Collaborative for Health Equity
  • Kaiwipunikauikawēkiu "Punihei" Lipe, PhD, Native Hawaiian Affairs Program Officer, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
  • Mapuana Antonio, DrPH, Assistant Professor and Native Hawaiian & Indigenous Health Specialization Head, Office of Public Health Studies, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa 

Webinar resources referenced by presenters

Paulina Sosa

Ernesto Quintero

Gail Christopher

Mapuana Antonio and Punihei Lipe

More resources 

We encourage you to view webinars from the 2015 series The Impact of Racism on the Health and Well-Being of the Nation. Check out other APHA racism and health resources, including our popular book, Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Health Professional.

Questions? Contact the APHA Public Health Policy Center.