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The Road to Earned Sick Leave: What We've Learned

Webinar //


May 28 2020, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST


Earned sick leave policies are an essential part of protecting our communities from infectious diseases like COVID-19. Evidence shows these policies reduce the spread of contagious illnesses, increase employment and income stability, and save localities money in health care costs.

Please join CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, for a webinar on how cities can adopt or strengthen their earned sick leave policies. 

The webinar will feature first-hand accounts by city leaders from San Antonio and Kansas City sharing their successes and challenges in their efforts to pass and implement earned sick leave policies. We will also share information about how your city can partner with CityHealth to adopt these policies.


  • Dr. Colleen Bridger, Assistant City Manager, San Antonio, Texas
  • Dr. Rex Archer, Health Department Director, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Katrina Forrest, National Director of Partnerships, CityHealth

Questions? Contact Walker Irving.