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Let Your Voice Be Heard in Nutrition Policy

Webinar //


Feb 06 2018, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST


MEMBER PERKThere may never have been a more important time than now to let your voice be heard by your U.S. and state legislators and executives. Join a team of experienced public health nutritionists and professionals who have been strong advocates for nutrition laws and regulations to learn how to begin sharing your expertise and policy viewpoints with policy makers. Co-sponsored by APHA’s Food and Nutrition Section and Community Health Planning and Policy Development Section, this webinar will cover:

Policy and Public Health: An Introduction
Cynthia Williams PhD, MHA, PT, assistant professor at the University of North Florida in the Department of Health Administration will:

  1. Define policy at agency, local, state and federal level.
  2. Discuss the role of policy in public health and at APHA.

Pending Policies in Washington, D.C.
Nancy Chapman, MPH, RD, president of N. Chapman Associates, Inc., will:

  1. Provide overview of the federal policies pending in current Congressional session — farm bill, health care, potential welfare reform, and funding bills.
  2. Illustrate how to converse with members of Congress about these issues.

Overview of the Federal Regulatory Process for Key Nutrition Issues
Geri Henchy, MPH, RD, director of Nutrition Policy and Early Childhood Programs for the Food Research and Action Center, will:

  1. Provide an overview of the federal regulatory process as it relates to nutrition policy.
  2. Identify current issues pending in the federal regulatory process.

Food and Nutrition Advocacy at the Level of State and Municipality
Patricia Risica, Dr.PH, RD, assistant professor at Brown University School of Public Health, will:

  1. List methods for advocating at the state and local levels.
  2. Describe important food and nutrition issues that might be important to advocate for at the state and local levels.
  3. Describe ways that state and local level advocacy is different from advocacy at the federal level.

Note: Only APHA members can participate in this webinar. Not a member? Join today!

Questions? Contact Shirley Gerrior, PhD, RD, LDN.

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