As part of County Health Day, when the National Association of Counties is highlighting county solutions and novel approaches to the COVID-19 outbreak, @NACoTweets is hosting this Twitter chat to engage counties in how they are building healthy communities. This dynamic discussion will emphasize the county role in emergency management and preparedness and public health response. We encourage cross-sector discussion of the challenges and best practices associated with addressing an infectious outbreak at the local level.
Participation is easy! @NACoTweets will guide the discussion around a series of questions labeled Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. Respond to the questions using the hashtag (#CountyHealth) and the corresponding A1, A2, A3, etc. for each answer.
Twitter Chat Questions
- What are your county’s most pressing public health/medical needs in addressing COVID-19 in your communities (PPE, hospital bed capacity, testing, etc.)?
- What strategies has your county put in place to address the needs of the emergency response, medical and public health workforce in tackling COVID-19?
- What additional actions has your county implemented toward addressing COVID-19 in vulnerable populations (pregnant women, individuals experiencing homelessness, elderly populations, etc.)?
- What has been your county’s primary source of information regarding the progression of the COVID-19 outbreak?
- Are there local impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that are not receiving enough national attention?
- With everything going on around us, sharing good news is more important than ever. Who are the unlikely heroes that have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic in your communities? #CountyHealth