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AJPH Ed Board Roles and Responsibilities

(Adopted Feb. 9, 2000; revised March 2002)

The American Journal of Public Health (“Journal”) Editorial Board members have four broad areas of responsibility:

1) Provide oversight for the Journal and its editorial functions.

Example Activities:

  • Ensure Editorial independence of the Journal Editor and investigate complaints.
  • Monitor the implementation of Editorial Board policies (see below).
  • Monitor progress in implementing the Journal’s strategic plan.
  • Recommend and approve the appointment of Journal Editors (Associate and Department).
  • Serve on the Search Committee for the Journal Editor.

2) Define the long range vision, strategic plan, and annual priorities for the Journal.

Example Activities:

  • Develop and adopt a Journal strategic plan and determine annual priorities with input from the Editor and Journal staff.
  • Advise the Executive Editor, Director of Publications, and Editor-in-Chief in formulating the Journal’s annual budget proposal to the Executive Director .
  • Provide input on topics, themes and invited papers for future issues of the Journal.

3) Establish policies and procedures for the Editorial Board and the Journal.

Example Activities:

  • Establish and adopt policies for the Journal’s publishing efficiency.
  • Establish and adopt policies for the Journal’s scientific quality.
  • Establish and adopt policies for electronic publishing.
  • Establish and adopt policies for fund raising.

4) Ensure the quality and integrity of the Journal.

Example Activities:

  • Promote: a) high quality research, public health policy and practice manuscripts grounded in science; b) an objective, fair and timely review process; and, c) appropriate and timely communication with authors.
  • Promote: a) a diverse representation of submitted and published manuscripts; and b) the application of scientific articles to public policy, practice and education.
  • Participate as expert reviewers for submitted manuscripts and contribute editorials, invited papers and letters to the Journal Editor, as appropriate.

Additionally, the Editorial Board will:

  • Represent the Journal and advocate for its needs and interests to the APHA Executive Board and external organizations in partnership opportunities.
  • Report on the “state of the Journal” to the APHA Executive Board, Governing Council and members annually, and make recommendations as appropriate regarding

The composition, term of appointment, and criteria for reappointment of Editorial Board members and the Chair of the Editorial Board.

The names of prospective members for the Editorial Board and Chair of the Editorial Board for appointment.

The termination of Editorial Board members or the Chair of the Editorial Board due to non-participation or other justified reasons.