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How Climate Change Impacts Health

Compounding Effects of Climate Change on Mental Health and Well-Being

Climate change is harming mental health and well-being. This image from The Lancet Countdown shows how systemic stressors, such as economic insecurity and discrimination, can exacerbate climate change threats to mental health and hinder equitable access to protective services and resources.

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Lancet brief on the compounding effects of climate change on mental health and well-being

*Source: Lancet Countdown, 2022: 2022 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change Policy Brief for the United States of America. Beyeler NS*, DeJarnett NK*, Lester PK, Hess JJ, Salas RN. Lancet Countdown U.S. Policy Brief, London, United Kingdom, 20 pp.

Strategies to Build Healthy, Equitable, Climate-Resilient Communities

As temperatures rise, adaptation efforts that build community and health systems resilient to climate change are increasingly important. This image from The Lancet Countdown shows strategies to mitigate the health risks of climate hazards and build healthy, equitable and climate-resilient communities.

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Lancet graphic on strategies to build healthy, equitable, climate-resilient communities

*Source: Lancet Countdown, 2022: 2022 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change Policy Brief for the United States of America. Beyeler NS*, DeJarnett NK*, Lester PK, Hess JJ, Salas RN. Lancet Countdown U.S. Policy Brief, London, United Kingdom, 20 pp.

The Lancet Countdown Reports

The 2023 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the U.S. (PDF)

The 2023 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the U.S. - Spanish (PDF)

The 2022 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Health at the Mercy of Fossil Fuels (report)

The 2022 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the U.S. (PDF)

The 2022 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Policy Brief for the U.S. - Spanish (PDF)

Past Policy Brief reports and appendixes: The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change

Adaptation in Action 

States across the nation are taking action to reduce the effects of climate change on health.

Adaptation in Action: Grantee Success Stories from CDC's Climate and Health Program (PDF) 

More Resources

Climate Change Fact Sheets

Climate Change and Lung Health Fact Sheets (PDFs in English and Español)

Climate and Health Adaptation Planning Guide for Michigan Communities

Climate Change and Health in Connecticut 2020 Report (PDF)

Climate Change, Health and Equity: A Guide for Local Health Departments

Evidence on the Use of Indoor Air Filtration as an Intervention for Wildfire Smoke Pollutant Exposure (PDF)

Health Approaches to Climate Change: How do health care providers and public health professionals approach climate change differently? (PDF) 

Successfully Preparing from Climate Change in New York State (PDF) (A story from the field)

The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment (English version) (Spanish version PDF)

Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience (report)