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A Sound Basis for a National Health Program

  • Date: Jan 01 1976
  • Policy Number: 7609

Key Words: Access To Health Care

Archived APHA Policy Statement

Whereas it is likely that a national health program will be established in the future; and

Whereas the American Public Health Association has long advocated a national health program; and

Whereas the success of such a system will depend largely upon the establishment of a sound data base—for planning, decision-making, and evaluation of impact;

Therefore Be It Resolved that the American Public Health Association urges the President and the Congress to begin planning now for the development of an information system which will be required for a national health program. Emphasis should be on coordination with existing health data systems, particularly those maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics, the Bureau of the Census, the Health Systems Agencies, and the Professional Standards Review Organizations; a new system should not be superimposed on existing systems.