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Letters to Congress and federal agencies

July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
  • Health organization letter in support of FY 2025 funding for CDC's Public Health Data Modernization funding (April 30)
  • Organization letter to House Appropriations Committee leaders in support of $268.1 million for Community and Youth Violence Prevention through the Division of Violence Prevention at CDC (April 30)
  • Organization letter to Senate Appropriations Committee leaders in support of $268.1 million for Community and Youth Violence Prevention through the Division of Violence Prevention at CDC (April 30)
  • Organization letter in support of $100 million for CDC's Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies program in FY 2025 (April 29)
  • Organization letter in support of $1 billion for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant in FY 2025 (April 29)
  • Organization letter in support of $100 million for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in FY 2025 (April 15)
  • Organization letter in support of $420.85 million for CDC's National Center for Environmental Health in FY 2025 (April 15)
  • Organization letter in support of $5 million in FY 2025 for the HHS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (April 10)
  • Organization letter in support of $110 million for CDC climate and health activities in FY 2025 (April 10)
  • Organization letter in support of $220 million for CDC's National Center for Health Statistics in FY 2025 (April 10)
  • Organization letter in support of $12 billion for U.S. EPA in FY 2025 (April 10)
  • Friends of HRSA FY 2025 request letter to House and Senate Labor-HHS-Education appropriations subcommittee leaders (April 1)
March 2024
February 2024
  • Organization letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee opposing the Air Quality Standards Implementation Act of 2024 (Feb. 15)
  • Organization letter to House Committee on Oversight and Accountability leaders in support of vaccines and the U.S. vaccine safety system (Feb. 15)
  • Organization letter to House leaders opposing cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund (Feb. 5)
January 2024