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Membership Dues Process

How does APHA notify Affiliates about the membership dues process and deadline?
A notification letter is sent to the Affiliate president and/or executive director.

How is the notification letter sent?
The notification letter is sent via email.

When does the membership dues process begin?
The membership dues collection usually begins in late spring. It typically ends in August.

Will Affiliates receive additional materials to assist with the membership dues process?
Each Affiliate will receive a roster of current APHA members in their state and an APHA assessment form. States with Affiliated organizations will receive a roster for the entire state.

How are dues amounts determined?
Affiliates are assessed $2.50 for each member and credited $1.00 for each member who is also a member of APHA. Affiliated Associations with organizational memberships are assessed 2% of their total organizational membership revenue.

Why does the dues process begin so early?
APHA wants to allow Affiliates ample time to calculate their dues and compare their membership roster with APHA's roster for their state. In order for this to occur, all dues must be paid in full by the specified due date.

What time period is covered by Affiliate dues?
Dues cover membership from the start of Annual Meeting to the start of APHA's Annual Meeting the following year. For example, if an Affiliate pays dues in July 2022, the payment covers the Affiliate until November 2023.

What happens if I do not pay my dues by the deadline or by Annual Meeting?
If dues are not paid by the specified due date, your ARGC cannot represent your Affiliate at the Governing Council meeting during the Annual Meeting.

Why does APHA request Affiliate membership lists?

  • If approved by the Affiliate, APHA may invite Affiliate members that are not members of APHA to attend the Annual Meeting.
  • If approved by the Affiliate, APHA's Membership Unit may use Affiliate membership lists for membership recruitment and advocacy efforts.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions about the dues process?
For more information, contact APHA Affiliate Affairs at 202-777-2508.