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Top 10 Reasons to Join APHA's Oral Health Section

  • Access to remarkable leadership opportunities in public health.
  • Ability to contribute to the development of policy statements on national issues.
  • Chance to participate in monthly conference calls and leadership meetings open to all Section members
  • APHA's Annual Meeting and Exposition, where you can increase your professional knowledge and earn continuing education credits while attending exceptional scientific presentations.
  • Eligibility to present at the APHA Annual Meeting, moderate a session or review abstracts.
  • Ability to network and experience the professional camaraderie of public health students, scholars and professionals from a wide variety of public heath discipleins.
  • Timely access to the American Journal of Public Health, social media updates and the Section's News and Views.
  • Ability to join or chair a committee.
  • Be part of an all-inclusive Association where all members enjoy the same opportunities.
  • Share your experience with us!

Learn more about the benefits of joining APHA.