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Get Involved

All APHA members, whatever their primary interests, are welcome and encouraged to join us in our endeavors. There are several ways to become involved:

  • Join our monthly conference calls! You can share your thoughts as we discuss the latest policy news, plan for the APHA Annual Meeting, and communicate information about Section activities.
  • Review Section abstracts for scientific sessions at the Annual Meeting.
  • Come to our business meetings, social events and booth to network with your colleagues at the Annual APHA Meeting.
  • Join a committee to network with like-minded colleagues and help guide and influence policies related to your interests.
  • Help mentor students within the Medical Care section who are looking to further pursue careers in public health.
  • Participate in discussions, post field-related information, publicize your research or disseminate job opportunities on APHA Connect or via our listserv.
  • Write an article for our Section's News & Events page.