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Take Action!

Use your expertise to engage high schoolers:

Many people know about climate change, but not many understand it’s connection to health. We’ve challenged members to reach out to their local high school and offer to talk with a group of students. The lesson plan takes about 100 minutes total and could be presented be during National Public Health Week or on Earth Day. No matter when you do it, ask the school for permission to post on social media, then tag @APHAEnvironment and use #ClimateChangesHealth. Learn more.

Complete this quick survey to share about your experience!

Use our policy statements to inform advocacy!

As members of APHA, we are committed to educating the public about environmental health. We do this by contacting our legislators, commenting on federal proposals, collaborating to advance environmental stewardship, writing policy statements and more.

Policy statements help shape APHA's position on legislation and regulations, help others write briefs and statements about public health issues, highlight the latest research on specific public health topics, and serve as a resource for the general public. We have over 400 policy statements related to the environment in our policy statement database.

See infographics of recent policy statements:

Track on APHA's Action Alerts: 

Looking for quick actions to take, refer to APHA's Action Alerts. Your voice makes a difference in the policymaking process. Get involved and help shape the national debate on public health issues. Take action today.


We also encourage you to find local and state environmental health and justice organizations, and connect on issues in your own community!!




Job Postings and Employment Opportunities

National Environmental Health Association — Job Announcements


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences — Internships

Fellowships and Grants

Environmental Protection Agency: EPA Open Announcements, EPA Fellowships, EPA Funding Opportunities

Opportunities to Publish

American Journal of Public Health

Journal of Environmental Health

Professional Public Health and Related Associations and Organizations

Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs

National Environmental Health Association

Children's Environmental Health Network

Related U.S. Federal Government Agencies and Departments

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Food Safety & Inspection Service

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Environmental Health

National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Program

National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health

Food & Drug Administration

Environmental Protection Agency